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The Top 5 WordPress Page Builders for 2023


A page builder can make creating bespoke pages for your website using WordPress much easier. Choosing the best page builder for your purposes might be challenging with so many options available. This post will examine Elementor, Avada, Beaver Builder, Divi, and WPBakery as the top 5 WordPress page builders to use in 2023. We'll examine each of these page builders' distinct strengths and advantages so you can make an informed choice. Each of these page builders offers a variety of features and customization choices to help you design the ideal website.

Why is using Page Builder in WordPress superior to using Themes?

  1. Compared to pre-made themes, page builders provide more freedom and customization choices.
  2. With the use of drag-and-drop interfaces, a variety of pre-designed pieces, and templates, a page builder enables you to create unique pages.
  3. You have complete control over the look and feel of your website with a page builder.
  4. You may make a one-of-a-kind, personalized website that stands out from the competition with a page builder.
  5. The extensive styling options, animations, and connection with third-party tools that many page builders provide are not found in themes.
  6. For the majority of users, a page builder is a better option because it can provide you more creative freedom and control when constructing your WordPress site.

To Try in 2023: The 5 Best WordPress Page Builders

1. Elementor

Popular WordPress drag-and-drop page builder Elementor enables users to design unique web pages with a straightforward visual interface. You don't need to know how to code to add and edit text, images, videos, and other content to your website with Elementor.

Along with a library of widgets and pre-made elements that can be quickly added to your pages, Elementor also provides a variety of pre-designed templates and blocks. It features a responsive design that functions well on desktop and mobile devices and provides a variety of customization choices to support you in designing the ideal website.

There is a free version of Elementor as well as a Pro edition, which comes with extra features and functionality like advanced design tools, theme creation, and marketing integrations. Overall, Elementor is a powerful and user-friendly page builder that may assist you in building a website that looks professional without a lot of technical expertise or experience.

2. Avada

Fusion Builder, a built-in page builder, is part of the Avada theme. You can design unique layouts for the pages of your website using the drag-and-drop visual builder known as the Fusion Builder. Button, slider, picture, video, and other pre-designed elements and widgets are all included in the builder and may be quickly added to your pages.

You may quickly alter the colors, fonts, and other design elements on your website pages with the Fusion Builder. Also, the builder offers a variety of layout options, including full-width sections, sidebars, and columns, enabling you to design intricate and distinctive page layouts.

Avada theme, so from within the builder you can easily access all of the theme's features and functionality. This gives you access to the pre-made templates and demos, as well as the theme's settings and customization options.

Overall, the Fusion Builder is an intuitive and potent page builder that makes it simple to construct unique website pages. The Fusion Builder is a fantastic tool for customizing your pages and making a distinctive and expert-looking website if you are using the Avada theme for your website.

3. Beaver Builder

With the use of a straightforward visual interface, Beaver Builder's drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress enables users to quickly and easily construct unique website pages and layouts. Without knowing how to code, you can quickly add and modify text, images, videos, and other material on your website using Beaver Builder.

A variety of pre-designed templates and blocks are available in Beaver Builder, along with a library of widgets and elements that may be quickly added to your pages. It features a responsive design that functions well on desktop and mobile devices and provides a variety of customization choices to support you in designing the ideal website.

Beaver Builder's simplicity of use and user-friendliness are two of its key benefits. For individuals who are inexperienced or have little technical expertise or experience, the interface is simple to use and intuitive.

A variety of price options are also available with Beaver Builder, including a free Lite version and paid plans that come with extra features and functionality like sophisticated design capabilities and integrations with well-known plugins and tools.

Overall, Beaver Builder is a strong and user-friendly page builder that may assist you in building a website that looks professional without a lot of technical expertise or experience.

4. WPBakery

WordPress users frequently use the popular drag-and-drop page builder WPBakery, formerly known as Visual Composer. Without any coding expertise or abilities, users may build custom website pages using a visual interface.

With WPBakery, you can effortlessly add a variety of pre-made widgets and add-ons to your pages. It also comes with a library of pre-designed elements and templates. The website builder also provides a variety of customization options, such as color schemes, fonts, and layout options, to assist you in developing a distinctive and attractive website.

The simplicity and user-friendliness of WPBakery are two of its primary benefits. For individuals who are inexperienced or have little technical expertise or experience, the interface is simple to use and intuitive.

You may easily integrate WPBakery with other tools and features to improve the operation of your website because it is fully compatible with WordPress and a variety of third-party plugins.

5. Gutenberg

The WordPress core includes Gutenberg, a visual page builder and content editor. With the use of a block-based interface, users may easily create and edit web pages. You may quickly add and modify text, images, videos, and other material to your website with Gutenberg.

One of Gutenberg's key benefits is that it is integrated with WordPress, making it simple to use and available to all WordPress users because it is part of the platform's fundamental functionality. Also, it is a free and open-source page builder, which means that the WordPress community is constantly updating and enhancing it.

A large variety of pre-designed blocks are available in Gutenberg, and you can quickly add them to your pages. You may also customize Gutenberg in a variety of ways, using things like different color schemes, font styles, and layout options.

The emphasis placed on creating and altering content by Gutenberg is one of its distinctive aspects. It has a variety of formatting options and features to help improve the visual appearance of your pages, and it is made to assist users in creating rich and engaging content.


For your WordPress website to look professional and function as you need, choose the correct page builder is crucial. Elementor, Avada, Beaver Builder, Divi, and WPBakery are among the top 5 WordPress page builders to attempt in 2023 since they provide a variety of features and customization possibilities to support your objectives. Each of these page builders may assist you in developing unique pages that look amazing and work effectively, regardless of your level of experience. You may select the best page builder for you and advance your website by looking into the distinct advantages and capabilities of each of these page builders.