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Making a Quality Website Without Coding With Website Builders


The majority of people are aware that building a professional website costs a lot of money and needs a lot of coding. It is nearly difficult to go without creating a personal website if you run a business or want to establish yourself as a brand. Fortunately, this issue has been resolved for you thanks to the development of website creation tools. In fact, you may now build your own personal website with the use of these tools without having to invest a single rial. You will learn how to create a professional website using one of these platforms in this tutorial, even if you are not a programmer.

Use These Platforms to Build a Professional Website

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • Tumblr
  • Wix
  • Weebly
  • Aspect

1) WordPress 

The most popular platform for creating websites is WordPress, which is technically a content management system (CMS). More than 80 million blogs worldwide, or 25% of all websites, are covered by the framework. WordPress's popularity can be attributed to two factors: first, how easily it can be customized; and second, the capabilities it provides, such the ability to select a custom theme. and the capability to use plugins to improve the website's performance. WordPress also provides a feedback form and a comments section, which are both quite helpful for engaging with readers.

2) Blogger 

Similar to WordPress, Blogger is a well-known blogging platform that can be used to build a business website. The Blogger website can be used to create personal blogs. With widgets and shortcodes, Blogger makes website customization simple. Blogger is hosted by Google, as opposed to other websites, so you essentially have your own personal place on the Internet that is inside Google's servers, which saves you money on hosting. You only need to go to settings and add a custom domain function to the blog URL if you want to have a custom domain (without following your site name).

3) Tumblr 

The ability to upload audiovisual content to Tumblr's platform is well-known. This is a fantastic location to launch a personal website or develop your online resume. For people who work in creative fields like illustration, graphic design, and photography, Tumblr is also renowned as a platform for artistic and creative posters. Tumblr, in my opinion, is the most fashionable blogging platform. You can use Tumblr to host a media-rich website with your followers and all of your favorite content. The nicest thing about Tumblr is that when you "like" other websites, they show up on your dashboard where you can go back and check them out again or share them with your network. This feature not only exposes you to the public but also aids in the promotion of other worthwhile websites.

4) Wix

Another free website-building tool that enables you to design neat-looking websites without knowing how to code is Wix. The Wix website templates are all responsive, and they all look fantastic on various devices. Wix is a fantastic website-building tool for musicians, artists, and authors who want to display their ability and share it with the world. It is advised for independent artists and business owners. Beautiful portfolios can be made, and your current and potential customers will undoubtedly find them appealing. The fact that all of this is free is its best feature.

5) Weebly

Weebly is the best platform for artists who wish to establish a professional website. Weebly provides visually appealing designs that function well on laptops and other devices. With the aid of Weebly, a regular individual with little to no experience in website design or coding can develop a stunning website in about 30 minutes. One of the best resources for small business owners to create an e-commerce website is Weebly. Weebly not only has web-building tools, but it also lets you download website code so you may save formatting if you decide to use another platform.

6) Aspect 

Aspect is a free website builder that, to the majority of users, resembles a premium tool like Wix. You can use your browser to create websites using this site's web-based website builder. Selecting a template from the large selection of templates offered by this tool is the first step in establishing a website. This tool is incredibly easy to use. The left column is where you build the pages and examine the elements; if you're interested, you can also look at the codes in this area.

Other objects like the navigation bar, a photo, a button, some text, and a slider button can be found on the right column. Try the Component section to have access to other built-in elements. You can alter any aspect and component in this tool in great detail. One of the few tools that lets you change things like button edges is called Aspect. Anytime you wish, you may check out how the site looks on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

With just one click and no additional fees, you can download the entire website you have made. The best free website-building tool is Aspect.